There are times when a relocation of work premises is necessary. With enough planning and forethought, the moving process can be smooth and stress-free. Here are a few things you can implement to make that happen:
1. Start the planning process early
No matter how busy day-to-day operations can get, make the time to begin the planning process. The earlier you start, the smoother things will be once moving begins. You will have the time and the leeway to research and negotiate better deals with needed vendors as well.
You can even designate someone to be the primary moving manager to coordinate with all parties and manage the process as you go along. Choosing someone early will give the person time to schedule the duties and responsibilities involved.
2. Communicate the moving plan to everyone from the start
What often happens is that the decision-making process is restricted to a few people who then let the rest of the organisation know at the very last-minute. This will only lead to chaos and disgruntled employees. Giving notice early will allow everyone time to make any necessary arrangements.
Take the time to get employee feedback before you make a move. It might seem an extra bit of work, but it might yield insight and bring up issues you might have missed. Keep them in the loop, involve them in the process and at the very least, morale won’t take a dip in the process.
3. Consider staggering the move
Even if your organisation is a small one, trying to get everything sorted in the fewest amount of days can be a challenge. If your organisation is a large one, you might find that some departments would be served better staying behind until everything is finalised.
Getting crucial infrastructure in place first before moving personnel might be the best move, so that people can have the resources they need when they arrive. The less time they need to set up operations upon arriving, the better.
4. Pack and ship items with moving personnel, instead of just your own people
Resist the notion of saving money by making your people do the moving. The savings opposed to the time lost if someone gets hurt in the process isn’t a good trade-off.
Instead, give your employees a deadline to pack items that need to be moved to the new place and then have the movers move the boxes during the scheduled times. That way your human resources can be focused on keeping your office running while the movers literally deal with the heavy lifting.
5. Make it an opportunity to declutter
Relocating is the best time to get rid of clutter and unnecessary items – communicate to everyone that anything redundant must be disposed of, whether by recycling, donation or other means.
Keeping an inventory of all the items involved with the move will make it easy to narrow down the essentials and also saving you money in packing as well as moving costs.
By taking the time to reduce stress with planning, you can focus on the benefits of your new workplace and a more productive, brand new workplace. For your office-moving needs, leave the logistics of manpower and transport to thelorry.com/my.
If you are not sure which lorry size is suitable, here’s a guide to choosing the right lorry for your move.