House movers in Singapore are people with lucrative job prospects when you think about it. The abundance of people living in apartments and condominiums is the reason you and I may have a bad time house moving if we opt to move without their help.
I mean, maybe if you are living in a house with an actual yard, then maybe you’d be thinking of moving with help of your family and friends. But if you live on the 10th floor with an elevator the speed of your typical garden snail, then movers just make so much sense no?
Here are seven more reasons why you should hire movers instead of trying to DIY them.
1. Movers are professionals
They have experience navigating through tight corners while carrying huge furniture or appliances, they have the tools to make heavy things less heavy, and they probably have the strength to lift them in lesser time.
Though they will come at an expense, the cost will feel justified as you see them handle your inanimate house inhabitants with care, and more importantly, with less effort from you.
2. Not so different from DIY

Okay, maybe you’re not convinced about it being worth the cost. Well, if you’re thinking of moving yourself, the cost you would have to bear will probably not be that cheaper.
If you have a ton of stuff to move, you would probably have to still rent/borrow a lorry regardless. Then you (or some friends) have to load all the things, fill petrol for the lorry, several ERPs, buy dinner for your friends who helped etc.
And by the end of the day, you’ll be too tired to even enjoy your new home.
Hiring professional movers usually encompasses costs for lorry renting, manpower, and general distance travelled from pickup to dropoff point.
3. Added services
A lot of pro movers nowadays also provide excellent added services besides just loading and unloading your things into the lorry.
The stuff they can do for you may include packing your stuff, providing boxes and bubble wrap, and of course, the occasional friendly chit chat.
Excluding the last thing (or maybe including) these services can be of great help to you, especially if you’re the kind of person who is in constant busyness.
4. It saves time
As the saying goes, time is money. And hiring pro movers will definitely save you time, hence money.
You are the one who is caught up with work, and family, and how troublesome it is to notify every concerning party about your move. These things can take up much of your time and will delay your move inevitably.
All the movers need to do is show up with the tools and services agreed upon, pick your stuff up, and transport it to your destination as instructed. Simple and time-saving, no?
5. Avoid injuries and damages

As highlighted in the first point, pro movers have more experience in lifting heavy objects and safely loading them into the lorry. If not, they wouldn’t be called ‘professionals’ yes?
Fitting your huge fridge into the elevator, or getting it through the tight-spaced stairs can be an injury waiting to happen.
This is not even considering the well-being of your appliances. Because dropping your fridge can be so much worse when the person to blame is yourself.
Oh, and there is a certain way of lifting heavy things that should be taken into account. And if not, you might have to endure back pains, strained neck or sore arms the next day.
Why go through all that trouble man?
6. Avoid the unexpected

Listen, the unexpected is..well, very unexpected. You will not be 100% sure that even if you are hiring pro movers, that everything will be smooth. But things can be easier if you do hire them. Let me explain.
Say you’re planning on moving, and have decided to borrow a friend’s van, or a lorry, or whatever that could move your stuff into your new home.
Suddenly you hear a roar, and you start to decelerate even though your foot hasn’t left the gas pedal. The engine of the vehicle stopped, and you’re forced to stop on the road’s shoulder while raging like a lunatic.
Congratulations! You have experienced a vehicle breakdown! Not a good thing to have when driving your borrowed van or lorry.
This will provide unneeded hassle (and money!) to your move.
Again, hiring pro movers will not ensure zero breakdowns. But pro movers do have contingency plans if these things happen, and you will not have to pay for any added costs.
7. It’s so much easier now!

Pro movers are now becoming more and more efficient in their operations, and most can be sought via the internet. No more calling for a bunch of movers and comparing prices.
One place you can have a look at is TheLorry, an on-demand logistics platform that compiles thousands of pro movers under one umbrella.
All you need to do is go onto the website, key in your details and get instant, transparent quotations.
So folks, here are the things why hiring professional movers are better compared to doing all the things yourself. Save time and your well-being, and trust them to help you move. Then you can worry about what to do once you move into your new home. Yippie!
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