Home & living


By 24/02/2021November 16th, 2021No Comments

After the headache of moving all your goods over to a new country, a new quandary emerges: where do you put all your stuff? Space is limited in Singapore but the good news is that you have the option of self-storage – contracting a company to store your excess belongings for a fee.

Why pay for self-storage?

Singapore being an island, space is at a premium with high-rise living being the norm for most folks. It’s not too bad if you have a unit all to yourself but high rental means many people end up renting rooms instead.

If you’re unsure about whether you are going to settle long-term in Singapore, you might end up moving around a fair bit. Rather than cart around all your belongings each time you make a move, a self-storage unit will keep a portion of your belongings in one place, making moving a less stressful proposition.

Even if you do plan on staying in Singapore long-term, high-rise units have space limitations and rather than clutter your home, putting excess stuff in storage is a practical solution.

Where do you find self-storage services?

Picture from extraspaceasia.com.sg

Most storage services have websites or advertise. Ask people you know for recommendations. If you’re a foreigner, ask for advice from expat forums or boards or contact your local embassy to see if they have leads. Some of the top choices available are SpaceshipStore-11,Lock + Store, StorHub and Beam Storage.

Once you’ve collected a few contacts, compare pricing and terms. Don’t be too quick to hire the first self-storage company you come across. Ensure the company is reliable enough before you trust them with your stuff.

How to proceed?

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, you should evaluate your own needs. Document every detail of the belongings you wish to store, listing down each item with its exact dimensions. Get out that tape measure for larger, bulkier items and don’t forget to measure the boxes you keep smaller items in.

To smoothen the process, pack your belongings with care in a way that makes them easier to transport and store. Choose boxes, for instance, instead of sacks and label them clearly. More valuable items such as expensive jewellery or art might be better off in a safe deposit box at a bank.

Once you’ve sorted out what will need storing, you should then compare pricing and terms. Figure out whether you’ll be paying monthly or annual fees; paying monthly might make sense if you are in the country for a stay of less than a year.

Ask for assurances/guarantees for the safety of your belongings. Is the company insured? Will you get a refund in cases where your goods are damaged/lost/stolen? Will the company ensure neither insects nor mildew gets into your stuff? What services do they provide besides storage space – moving assistance or storage racks, perhaps? Be very sure what you’re getting (or not) with your money.

When it comes down to the move, your most convenient option is renting a lorry large enough to fit all your items. This is where TheLorry will make your life easier.

In the end, it’s about getting peace of mind. With diligence and preparation, the self-storage process might well save you time and trouble in the long run.

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